Site Works
Code serve carry a fully qualified workforce and has attained execution level 4 for manufacture (including welding) of structural steelwork along with ISO 9001 Quality System.
We have a vast library of welding procedures (with Sandberg’s third party approval) and WPQR’s to cover a full range of steel grades, positions and joint configurations.
All our welders are qualified to these procedures.
We supply all of our own fully maintained and calibrated welding plant for site work which complies with all current legislation.
We also carry our own in-house N.D.T. team which enables us to issue a full quality package on completion of project.
All our welders carry fully up to date site cards required, CSCS, IPAF etc. Our site managers are all SMSTS and painters carry ICAT cards.
The entire workforce are highly experienced at working on many large projects around the whole of the UK.